Acupuncture is an ancient or traditional Chinese medicine. According to this type of alternative medicine stimulating certain points in the skin surface of the body by inserting thin needles can cure every type of disease or imbalances inside our body. Through stimulating the acupuncture points the flow of qi is balanced in the channels called as meridians.
Now a day’s acupuncture is spreading worldwide. To obtain the full benefits of treatment we need to seek a perfect specialist. By the recent studies and research works acupuncture is very beneficial in managing and curing pain.
Even in India acupuncture is gaining popularity. We can even try these alternative medicines to be relieved from the side effects of medications. Below are the list of acupuncture doctors in Delhi.
Doctors Name | Address with Phone Numbers |
Dr P.D.Pradhan M.D., PGD(HH) Apollo Hospital C.Ac Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi
Address:Arcus SuperSpeciality Medicentre No 205,second floor Vikas Surya Galaxy Plot no.9 Sector 4 Dwarka New Delhi 110078 Phone:011-2507 3001, 4562 2522, 9711472522 98111-61412 |
DR.Abid Khan | Address:B-38,West Police Station, Nizamuddin, Delhi – 110013 Phone:+(91)-11-66433691 |
DR.Anjali Sharma | Address:Ethos Clinic, T-12, Green Park Extension, New Delhi-110016. Phone:+91-11–65428666, 26164016 |
DR.Madhu Sudan Aggarwal | Address:H-92, Pvt. House, Ashok Vihar,Delhi- 110052 Phone:011-32971358 |