" Unani Hospital in Vijayawada Hospital Name Address with Phone Numbers Anjaneyulu Clinic Address: Opposite Chandana Brothers, Near Icici Building Guntur Vijayawada
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The phone numbers of Ambulance Services across Delhi are as follows: Hospital Name Phone Numbers Ambulance 102 CATS (Ambulance) 1099 AIIMS 26864851, 26588500, 26588700, 26589900 Bara
What is cerebral palsy Cerebral palsy is the collective non progressive motor impairment with permanent damage to brain occurring before, after or at birth. It is said to be the permanent change in
Eyes are the most important sense organ in our body. without that our life becomes dark. we need to take proper care of eyes. With the technology today various eye care hospitals are
UNANI HOSPITAL IN BANGALORE Hospital Name Address with Phone Numbers Hippocrates Health Point in Hebbal Address: #8, Srinivasa Complex 4th Main, Chinapp Block, Sumangali Seva
" A blood bank plays an important role in an emergency situation to save life. They are the place for storing of blood of all groups. Blood is stored with caution for usage in later